Behind The Lens

Posted by ofri cohen on

Tomer Herman & I met a few years ago. as expected we immediately clicked. I have this strong memory of him exploring studio "Plazmalab" with his analog camera speaking so passionately about photography, about capturing a moment in simplicity. I remember being drawn to his minimalistic yet very artistic approach. since that day Tomer & I share our creative visions one to the other. daydreaming our creative passions, discussing the details of the visuals in our mind, creating them into reality.

introducing photographer Tomer Herman >>>

Q: "What is your first memory regarding photography?"

A:  "I remember the young version of myself, scattering through these family photo albums. I was shocked by how everybody was so young. in a way, I couldn't recognize them. I took a deeper look trying to see more than that picture, but the moment itself."

Q: "what did you take with you from that experience?"

A: "back then I felt like these pictures are timeless. rather it's good or bad. they are here to stay. nowadays in my life as an adult, that is the exact feeling I'm trying to preserve. creating these timeless little memories.

Q: "how do you maintain the quality of your work?"  

A: I enjoy the healthy balance of both digital and film to help me gain better understanding of photography and I keep a very forward approach."

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